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e-Numbers --- Maths Olympiad Problems | Maths Contest Problems | PRMO Questions | NSEJS Maths Questions


Maths Olympiad Problems | Maths Contest Problems | PRMO Questions | NSEJS Maths Questions

Important for ---- NTSE Stage 2, Maths Olympiads, PRMO, RMO, INMO

The digits on many electronic devices look like this:

When numbers made of these digits are rotated 180◦ ( CW ), some of them become numbers and some don’t. For example, when 8 is rotated it remains the same, 125 becomes 521, and 14 does not become a number. Except for 0, no number starts with 0

All rotations referred to below are through 180◦. 

a) List all digits which rotate to the same digit. 

b) List all digits which rotate to a different digit. 

c ) List all numbers from 10 to 50 whose rotations are numbers. 

d) List all numbers from 50 to 200 that stay the same when rotated.


a) The digits which rotate to the same digit are: 0, 1, 2, 5, 8. 

b) The digits which rotate to a different digit are 6 and 9. 

c) Only the digits in Parts a and b can be used to form numbers whose rotations are numbers. So the only numbers from 10 to 50 whose rotations are numbers are: 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29. 

d) From Parts a and b, if a number and its rotation are the same, then the first and last digits of the number must both be 1, 2, 5, 8, or the first digit is 6 and the last 9 or the first 9 and the last 6. So the numbers from 50 to 200 that stay the same when rotated are: 55, 69, 88, 96, 101, 111, 121, 151, 181.

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